Showered with compliments!

liebster-blog-awardNo this isn’t a fiction piece… I really have been showered with compliments in the wake of the AtoZ Challenge.
I’m really feel honoured and a little bit ‘scarleh’ as they say in Dublin
I was mentioned in two reflections posts  and was nominated for the Liebster award 3 times! *blushes

So I hope the three folk who nominated me won’t mind if I combine all three into one response.
Thank you so much Bethie at CreativeWordlenik, Ruby at and Madeline at Reincarnated as a Writer

The rules seem to vary from blog to blog… so I’ll do my version of them…
I’ll give 11 random facts about me
I’ll answer 9 questions –  I’ll pick n mix 3 from each of the 3 nominations
I’ll nominate 11 bloggers to receive the award (it varies as to how many followers they should have so I’m not going to worry about that 😀 )
I’ll ask my nominees 11 questions of my own but they can answer as few or as many as they like – Hey! it’s my award – I can do what I like right?!

So 11 facts about me… 

  1. I struggle to say certain words… including cannelloni, manila and circuitous (I can’t get beyond ‘sircutious’)
  2. When I was a hairdresser in Dublin I cut one of the All Black’s hair then went to New Zealand to work for 3 months and met no one famous
  3. I am rubbish with numbers I literally cannot hold a number in my head if I don’t write it down it’s gone… even one digit!
  4. But… I can make up a verse of a song or a short limerick in less than a minute
  5. I love to sing and play the guitar, I also play the violin, but not very well
  6. I have 27 nieces and nephews and a whole tribe of grand nieces and nephews  but sadly no children of my own
  7. Though I’ve been blogging for about 6 years, I’ve only been writing fiction for about a year. I’m happy with my progress tho
  8. In company I’m usually fairly confident then I go home and stress about all the stupid things I said and did
  9. My dream is to sing on stage with a full orchestra behind me and a full audience in front of me
  10. I hate pink, don’t like to wear it or have it in my home – won’t even drink from a mug with pink on it.
  11. Every gold fish and pot plant I’ve ever owned has died from neglect
  12. God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever


My amazing  birthday cake
My amazing birthday cake

3 of Bethie’s questions
What did you do on your favorite birthday?
It was last year. I was 40 and had an 80s discos where everyone came dressed in 80’s gear – more illuminous pink than you could shake a stick at

If it were possible, would you be taller or shorter than you are now?
I’d be narrower 🙂

What fictional character would be a good leader for your country?  Why?
I love to give President Bartlet from the West Wing a try. The fictional character as portrayed by Martin Sheen is a great balance of faith, realism and humour. 

3 of Ruby’s questions
What household chore do you loathe?
Cleaning the bathroom – no further comment!

What skill or talent would you like to have?
I’d love to more organised. I’m a bit all over the place and often leave stuff til the last minute (even though I work well under pressure)

What is your mother’s favorite song?
She used to sing a beautiful song called, ‘May you always walk in sunshine.’ 

3 of Madeline’s questions
How much was your first pay-packet for, and what was the job?
£17.50 Irish pounds for a week’s work in a hairdressing salon as a junior

Which emotion do you feel the most easily/most often? Do you enjoy it?
Not sure what the name of the emotion is but it’s usually…. arrgghhhh why am I such an eejit!? and no… I don’t enjoy it!

Has anything out-of-the-ordinary wonderful ever happened to you? Can you tell us about it?
I had a cornea transplant  years ago and a year afterwards I got a letter from my donor’s mom in the US. We’re now in regular contact and hope to meet face to face one day. It’s a wonderful friendship 🙂


liebster-blog-award 3My Nominees 
My new AtoZ friends at Sumptuous Living and 1 Hundred Works gave me a lovely mention in their reflections posts so they are my first two nominations for the Liebster Award!
and the other 9 are some of the many blogs I found and loved during the Challenge?

And the questions for my nominees 

  1. Tell us one thing you learned from the AtoZ Challenge.
  2. Do you like your name? If not what would you change it too?
  3. Do you write to music or do you prefer to write in silence?
  4. Apart from the computer, what can you see in front of you?
  5. How did you choose the name for your blog?
  6. What makes you laugh?
  7. Would you like to share your Facebook page or Twitter handle?
  8. What was your first ever blog post about?
  9. Who was the most influential adult when you were growing up?
  10. If you could have an all expenses paid holiday anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  11. I love to write limericks and short poems – can you write the last line of this one please….

I did the AtoZ
Oh yeay and whoop for me
While others were joggin
I was bloggin

Reflections on the A to Z Challenge

survivor_[2013]WOO HOO I made it!

Well that was a great experience.
A whole month of non stop blogging and reading.
The A to Z Blogging Challenge was just that… a challenge.
It was tough going getting everything written and making sure to post on time.
I had some great company, my hubby @richjm612, @johnivory, @cagssoc & @trish_nugent. But as well as the Ireland contingent, I got to chat and read the blogs of lots of folk from about the world.

The organising team have asked for a few thoughts so here’s mine…

From a practical point of view there were a couple of issues. One issue was that lots of people seemed to use their number, as in the number they were on the list… but as folk who didn’t continue were removed, the numbers would change. I went from 24 to 23 but my hubby’s number changed about 4 times. Like I say, just a small issue.
Another issue was that lots of folk DIDN’T take the advice given – and left CAPTCHA on… it really did slow me down. I was a minion, helping Livia Peterson and I was trying to visit as many blogs as I could but when it comes to commenting, CAPTCHA is a killer and I know I didn’t spend as much time reading on those blogs who use it.

The positives of the experience far outweighed those small things. The calendar was so helpful, the A to Z badges were great and it was encouraging to see the AtoZ’s own blog following along with us. Like I said, I met loads of great bloggers from all over the world. Got a bunch of new followers and certainly got a boost in my stats. 🙂

But I think the greatest benefit for me was being so encouraged by the comments and reaction to the story of ‘Lizzy’, the subject of my AtoZ posts.
Originally I was going to write random stories but changed my mind and decided to work on the character of Lizzy to see if at the end of it, I had the makings of a book. And you know what? I really think I have.

If you haven’t read any of the posts please do and let me know what you think. Most of them are stand alone short stories, only 300 or so words. But V to Z is one longer story that unfolded towards the end, hopefully leaving a taste for more which will come in the book.

Lizzy spoke for herself for the duration of the challenge so this reflections post wouldn’t be complete without a word from her… so I’ll let Lizzy sign off for us both.



My niece took this! She's not very good at taking photos is she... :D
My niece took this!
She’s not very good at taking photos is she… 😀

Hello everyone, I had loads and loads of fun telling you my stories. 
I love talking and I got to talk about stuff like my lovely mammy, the time I went to confession, my best friend Iris and my yeuchy brother Jim.
Thanks very much for reading and saying that you like my stories 🙂  
There’s loads more I want to tell you about cos my mammy is still very sick but I’m allowed to go on holidays with Iris and her family. Jim and me got into another big fight, and there was a  big accident at the school that I HAVE to tell you about… and loads of other things, but you’ll have to wait.

Next time you see me, I’ll be in a book. Isn’t that great?! 
Bye bye,
Lizzy x

p.s. If you like you can follow me on Twitter @lizzyredmond




a-to-z-letters-yThis morning when I woke up I forgot why I was in my niece’s bed. Then I remembered and started to cry. My nieces were still asleep so I tried to be quiet.

Yesterday I said goodbye to my mammy and she went into hospital. She was dressed in her coat that she wears to Mass and Da had his suit on. I don’t know why.
Mam said I could stay out of school for one day but I have to go in today.

After mammy left yesterday, Ann took me upstairs and we found a bag to put some clothes in for me. I had to bring all my school books and she said that I could bring Holly and Ivy aswell. Jim was already gone, he is staying with Pat until mammy gets home. I made Ann promise that Jim wouldn’t be let come home before me.
We were walking down the stairs when I said it and Ann said,

Lizzy don’t start, you’ll come home when I say you’re coming home. Mammy is not well and you have to do as you’re told to and not make it worse

I stopped on the stairs and wouldn’t move.

Lizzy come on. Come ON!

I’m not coming until you promise me that I can come home before Jim. I told mam I would help her. Jim won’t help her and he’ll make too much noise and I have to be here to make sure everything is ok and I won’t come with you unless you promise me that…

I sat on the stairs and cried and cried.
Ann came back up the stairs and sat on the next step.


She was whispering.

OK I promise you that you can come home first. But Lizzy we have to go. I have to collect the girls from their other granny. 

We walked down the path and out the gate. I looked back and said a prayer to Holy God and Our Lady that my mammy would be ok and I would be home again soon.

That was yesterday, but it feels like I haven’t been home since two years ago 😦


If this is your first visit to Lizzy’s story and you want to know who she is and where she came from you can read A is for About a girl…


a-to-z-letters-xI came home from school and all my sisters were there. That never happens, only on a Friday. My sister asked me to go into the sitting room with my nieces and nephews. Someone was crying in the kitchen but I wasn’t allowed in. Ages later my sisters went home and my mam called me in for dinner. She looked really sad and I just knew she was crying.

I sat at the table and didn’t say anything. She put dinner on a plate for Da and put it on the pot to keep warm and she took some up for us and she sat down beside me. She never sits down for dinner except on Sunday and Christmas Day. I was eating my dinner but she wasn’t eating hers. She kept taking a big breath and then not saying anything. I finished my dinner and leaned against her. I knew something bad was happening.

Lizzy love, I have to go away for a while.

I tried to swallow but I couldn’t. My eyes started to sting.

I have to go into hospital for a few weeks.

For a few WEEKS? Are you getting a baby?

Mam laughed even though she was crying.

No love, no.
A while ago I had an X-ray. Do you know what that means?

When they take a picture of your insides?

Yes Lizzy. You’re such a clever girl.

I always feel happy when she says that, but not today.

Well, they saw something on the picture that they don’t like and if they don’t take it away I’ll get very sick. So I have to have an operation. It will take me a long time to get better after it so I have to stay in hospital. You’re going to stay with Ann. You’ll enjoy that won’t you, she said you can be in charge of the girls for the whole time.

I tried not to cry, I really did but I couldn’t stop.

Will I be able to come and see you mammy?

You might, I’ll ask but I don’t know.


Yes love.

Will you be ok?

She gave me a big hug. Oh of course I will love, everything is going to be grand. I promise you. Say lots of prayers to Holy God and Our Lady for me and when I come home you’ll help me won’t you?

I will mammy. I’ll pray every morning and every night and I promise I’ll help you and I’ll be good and I won’t let Jim make any noise or anything.

You see? Everything will be great cos you’ll be looking after me when I get home.

She took our plates and scraped her dinner in to the bin and started to wash the dishes. I started to think in my head all the things I could do to make her better.



If this is your first visit to Lizzy’s story and you want to know who she is and where she came from you can read A is for About a girl…

Watching… Waiting… Wondering…

a-to-z-letters-wAfter the night that my sisters were here and we heard everyone talking, I was really sad. I didn’t know what was wrong but something was wrong. I don’t think Jim even noticed, he just went around doing the things he always does.

I wanted to stay beside my mam no matter what. I told her that I was too sick to go to school. I don’t think she believed me but she said I could stay home. I asked her if I could be downstairs on the sofa and she said yes, that it was ok as long as I didn’t tell Da. He was on a long day.

I watched her all day but she was the same as every day. She listened to her radio and she sang when the old songs came on. She put coal on the fire and then she sat on the sofa beside me.

I thought she was going to say something but she just gave me a hug and a kiss and went back into the kitchen.

My big sister Marie came and she went into the kitchen. I sneaked out to the hall, they were laughing but I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

My baby nephew was crying in the pram so I went to see him. Marie came out and said that if I wasn’t sick I could’ve had a hold of him but she didn’t want him to catch my cold. Then she whispered in my ear, “not even your pretend one.”

Mam called us in for some soup and said I could sit at the table.

Later on she said to me, “you weren’t sick today, sure you weren’t?”

I looked down at my shoes.

Is everything ok mammy?

Sure why wouldn’t it be?

She went back into the kitchen and I went upstairs to look for Jim. I wanted to tell him that I thought everything was ok – but he was out playing, so I had to wait til later.


If this is your first visit to Lizzy’s story and you want to know who she is and where she came from you can read A is for About a girl…